It's now time to capture the RAINFOREST!
These are considered two distinct areas but ecologically they often are considered one. Anyway where do you find some Rainforest? Try the Atherton Tableland. Drive south from Cairns and at Gordonvale turn right from the Bruce Highway to travel the Gillies Highway. It has a few bends but it is a spectacular drive. It is not long before you are travelling through rainforest on Ia bank of the Mulgrave River. As you ascend the escarpment you will notice a change in the terrain. It is now open or eucalypt forest. You will find our famous Frog Rock an intriguing landmark. Heales Lookout marks the commencement of the upper, dense, rich tableland rainforest.
At the top of the range proceed to the famous Yungaburra Pub for cool drinks for the whole family. You are now ready for the four kilometre journey to the Curtain Fig Tree. Have a great time.
By the way Yungaburra Tours accepts Cairns Holiday Dollars, click holiday dollars
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@queensland and @tropicalnorthqueensland
